Hey I'm Lassi welcome to my site. Regardless of how you got here, this site is meant to act as a personal, yet public learning journal. During my three or some years of professional software development, I've noticed we developers don't document enough. This also applies to the skills we learn along the way. Therefore, the goal of this site is to explore the key projects of my career and document the learnings in a meaningful way.
About me, Im a professional software developer and a computer science major. My journey into software development started in 2018 and has escalated into a passion ever since. I've worked professionally since 2021 getting to explore various systems and companies. My focus lies in backend development and system design with a sprikle of devops. However, during the years I have also worked with designers and marketing specialists to create SEO efficient frontends. You can read more about my experience with spesific technologies over on my linkedin.
Explore my journey into software development in the exploration section. With the power of svelte this section will show you glimpses of different projects I've been involved in. Even allowing you to read further if you'd like!
Blog section contains the learning journal itself, published using a selfhosted ghost CMS. Here you can read in depth into the many details I've found important during my career.